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Transit time averages 1-2 weeks depending on your location.
Have a specific question about a Mega Slam Hoop product, delivery or installation? Find the answer here in our most frequently asked questions. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, we’re always here to help. Just Contact Us.
You can install your own Mega Slam hoop or find a professional installer to complete the job for you. The back boards and basketball systems are quite heavy, so if you’re up for the challenge of installing it yourself, make sure you have some friends along to help you get the job done.
Prices for installing typically range from £1,295 - £1,495. Costs are dependant on a number of factors including: your location, access, ground conditions and spoil removal. Should you require a professional to install your Mega Slam Basketball Hoop then email us your request or contact one of our preferred installers directly.
Please see our list of preferred installers here.
Whether you’re installing it yourself or having it done professionally, it’s a two-stage process. The first stage involves the installation of the ground anchor assembly. This process can take up to 4 hours to complete, depending on your ground conditions. Its then advised to allow the concrete to cure for a minimum of 72 hours prior to assembling the Mega Slam basketball hoop system. The second stage of the installation takes approximately 2 hours, to complete the assembly of the Mega Slam Basketball Hoop system.
For free-standing, in-ground systems, one (1) to two (2) adults are good for installing the concrete anchor that holds your system.
Four (4) adults are recommended for installing the basketball system on top of the anchor. The ½-thick glass backboards weigh a lot, and requires a lot of strength to lift and then to adhere to the system.
All of our in-ground goals utilize a J-bolt anchoring system with self leveling nuts. This method let’s you to adjust the anchor after the concrete has cured to insure an always-level hoop, and also makes it easy to take your Mega Slam Hoop with you to another home.
Watch how to make a concrete base and install the anchor for your basketball goal.
Depending on your in-ground model, there are slightly different sized holes that need to be dug and filled with concrete. Refer to your manual for specifics.
For your safety, always locate any under-ground utilities before digging to avoid hitting any in-ground gas pipes or power lines.
It is typical to set the anchor concrete flush with the driveway, or up to 2 feet back from the driveway edge, depending on how much space is available in your playing area. Our in-ground systems have various overhang lengths ranging from 3-feet to 4-feet. “Overhang” is the distance from the front of the main pole to the front of the backboard.
View court specifications for an NBA, NCAA or high-school basketball court.
It is optimal to create a full 24 inches of space behind the post of our adjustable in-ground basketball systems to allow use of the height adjustment handle.
Once your new Mega Slam Hoop is installed according to our detailed installation instructions, it’s Game On!
Absolutely. The in-ground basketball system is anchored by (4) threaded J-bolts installed next to your driveway or on your backyard basketball court. Simply install another anchor system at your new location and re-install your Mega Slam Hoop.
The various size dimensions can be found on our Court Dimensions page.
It’s easy to maintaining your new Mega Slam® basketball system:
(1) Keep any organic materials (grass clippings, garbage, etc.) away from the steel pole or base plate to prevent any rust penetrating the powder-coat finish.
(2) Clean the backboard periodically with water or a household glass cleaner and use a soft cotton cloth or paper towels.
(3) If you see any signs of rust on the system just remove the loose paint, gently sand the area, and apply outdoor enamel gloss paint to the affected area.
Mega Slam Hoops sets the gold standard in basketball systems for both home and institutional use worldwide. By employing only the highest quality materials and state-of-the-art engineering techniques, we ensure each hoop delivers exceptional durability and performance. Our basketball systems are designed to withstand the rigors of intense play, reflecting our commitment to excellence whether in a home driveway or a professional training facility.
From bolt to basket, here's what goes into Mega Slam Hoops superior quality and design.
Choosing the ideal basketball system for your needs involves considering several factors, including the size of your playing area, your budget, and the potential for long-term use. Whether you have a compact driveway or a spacious backyard, selecting a model that fits your space is crucial for optimal play and safety.
For those looking for versatility and longevity, our adjustable-height models offer the ability to adapt to the changing heights and skill levels of various players, making them perfect for families or facilities that cater to a wide range of ages and abilities.
Explore these additional resources to help you make the best decision:
Unlocking the Perfect Fit: Choosing the Right Basketball Hoop Size: This guide helps you match the dimensions of your playing area with the right hoop.
Height Adjustable Basketball Hoops: Elevate Your Game at Any Age: Discover the benefits of choosing a hoop that grows with your players.
Crafting Your Dream Game: The Best Hoop for Home Basketball Courts: Delve into considerations for selecting hoops that enhance home basketball environments, suitable for both leisure and serious training.
By considering these aspects and utilizing our detailed guides, you can find a basketball system that not only meets your current needs but also adapts to future requirements.
When you order a Mega Slam Hoop, you will receive free rust-resistant galvanization, custom-fitted pole padding, gusset padding, backboard padding, anchor kit, and a limited lifetime warranty. Our competition can’t say they include the same.
You can buy any Mega Slam Hoop directly online. We are a direct-to-consumer business, which cuts out retail stores as the middleman, so we can offer you a superior product at a more-competitive price.
If you require an installation service, then please see our list of preferred installers here.
Absolutely! Our basketball systems are designed to endure the toughest weather conditions throughout the year. Each in-ground system undergoes a rigorous hot-dip galvanization process, which provides a rust protection layer that is 10-15 times thicker than what is typically offered by our competitors. This ensures superior rust resistance and longevity.
Additionally, we apply a robust powder coating to all steel components as an extra layer of corrosion protection. To further enhance durability, we use stainless steel hardware, preventing rust on nuts and bolts and ensuring that your basketball system remains in top condition, regardless of the weather.
‘For more information on how our hoops stand up to various environmental conditions, check out our detailed guide, Discover 5 Essential Benefits of Weather Resistant Basketball Hoops, which explores the advanced materials and technologies used to safeguard your investment.
Overhang, a crucial dimension in basketball systems, is the distance from the front of the main pole (or wall plate) to the front of the backboard. At Mega Slam Hoops, we offer overhangs ranging from 92 cm (approximately 3 feet) to 1.22 meters (4 feet), accommodating various play styles and court sizes. The regulation overhang for professional play is set at 1.22 meters, which is available with certain models to meet competitive standards.
For detailed specifications and to see how these measurements compare to NBA, NCAA, or high school basketball court standards, please visit our court dimensions guide.
Our Mega Slam adjustable basketball systems are made for all ages and skill levels. The height range can be adjusted anywhere from 1.5 m to 3.04 m.
The Mega Slam lift assist helps to effortlessly raise and lower your adjustable Mega Slam Hoop. It’s a spring-loaded cartridge that help neutralize the heavy weight of the backboard. This spring loaded cartridge comes pre-assembled.
The stop pin prevents smaller children from lowering the rim to unsafe heights that could possibly collide with vehicles in the driveway. When the stop pin is inserted, the system can only be lowered to a height of 2.3 m. Take the stop pin out, and the system can be lowered to 1.5 m for smaller children to play.
We have specifications for an NBA, NCAA or High School regulation courts available if you want your home court to resemble those court experiences.
View court specifications for an NBA, NCAA or high-school basketball court.
If your debit or credit card payment did not process, there are a variety of reasons why that could be. Here’s some steps to try and help your payment go through.
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Your credit card company or bank may be preventing the purchase due to fraud protection or set spending limits. Call your bank or credit card company and then repurchase the item.
When you order online, we deliver your hoop direct-to-curb, which means it comes directly from our warehouse, off the truck and to your curb so you waste no time getting to those free throws. Ask other hoop makers if they do the same! You will receive an email confirming the dispatch of your goods and an anticipated delivery timescale, unfortunately it is not always possible to provide a tracking reference. Deliveries are completed Mon-Fri 8am to 6pm. Due to the size and weight of the goods an external haulier is used for deliveries. These vehicles are large. If you have restricted vehicle access then please notify us prior to placing your order to ensure this will not cause unnecessary delays.
Yes. Your new Mega Slam Hoop is fully insured from the minute you order it up until you sign the shipping ticket.
Our free shipping service is available to the vast majority of UK customers. However, certain UK postcodes do not qualify for our free shipping service and customers in these areas may be required to pay a supplementary delivery fee.
Our current free shipping exclusion zones include postcodes in the following areas (and which is subject to updates from time-to-time): Channel Islands, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man, Isles of Scilly, Scottish Highlands & Islands.
If you cannot complete your purchase at checkout, then this might be due to your postcode falling within one of the free shipping exclusion zone(s). If you encounter this issue, please email confirming your full address details and we will be in touch.
When gaining access to your property vehicle access restrictions may apply which could mean additional cost or delivery failure. If you are concerned this may apply to you, then please be sure to email us before you complete your order at checkout.
The shipping configuration of boxes and pallets varies depending on which system you purchase:
Yes, a signature is required for delivery. Once you sign the shipping ticket the shipping company is fully released of any liability.
Make sure to thoroughly inspect the products and indicate any damage before signing the shipping ticket.
Depending on your location deliveries can take up to 14 working days. Generally for the majority of UK destinations deliveries are received within 7 working days.
Yes. Expedited shipping is subject to availability and available on request. Call us at 020 3920 7400 or email
Our basketball systems are built to last a lifetime. If a box or pallet is damaged it doesn’t necessarily mean the basketball system inside is also damaged. Fully inspect the shipment and make note of any damage on the shipping ticket before you sign. If you find a damaged piece, list the details of damage on the delivery receipt at time of delivery.
Contact Us immediately by emailing us photos of the damaged parts and signed delivery noting the damage. We cannot ship replacement parts without photos of damage, and delivery receipt.
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